Why HSPs Might Be Hard on Themselves

Here are three reasons I have identified as to why I tend to be hard on myself, and how I try to overcome them.

My Struggles with Self-Assertion

Throughout my life, I have found it challenging to assert myself, whether it involves applying for jobs, making new friends, or asking women out on dates (I’m happily married now). For instance, if I forget to pick up dinner on my way home from work, it reinforces the negative beliefs I hold about myself, and it often takes me a significant amount of time to bounce back from that feeling. To those who aren’t highly sensitive, this may seem trivial, but it’s a genuine struggle for me. I’ve heard it said that it takes seven positive experiences to counteract a single negative one. For me, it feels like I need to remember to go to the store successfully more than seven times before I can truly let go of the one instance I forgot.

Strategies for Overcoming Low Self-Esteem

Low self-esteem can be a lifelong challenge for those who experience it. Those who haven’t faced this struggle often find it hard to understand. We frequently hear that self-love is a choice and that it’s our own responsibility if we fail to embrace it, but the reality is much more complex. What helps me is recognizing that every human being has intrinsic value. The fact that others choose to be in my life is a testament to the value they see in me as well. Feel free to let me know if you’d like any further adjustments!
